Axys Rotary Tattoo Machines

Axys Rotary

Many artists are switching to the Axys Direct Drive because it is such a stable, smooth and versatile machine. It is capable of starting and running cartridges all the way down to 4 volts. At this voltage it is turning at 50 cycles per second and still able to tattoo beautifully. It excels at lining, shading and coloring, offering one of three basic configurations for all styles.

It comes with 3 cams, a 3.2mm, 3.7mm and 4.3mm. These throw lengths were selected because after much testing across many artists they were proven to be optimal. A shorter throw equates to a softer hit while a longer throw is often chosen when lining or packing. Given the fact that voltage is another control on the softness and hardness of hit, you have a lot of options at hand from soft and slow, soft and fast, up to hard and slow or hard and fast.

The most important things about the Axys direct drive is that it has the power to work across all these ranges due to the motor it uses.

It uses a 6 watt, Swiss, Maxon motor configured with ball bearings for extreme long life and extra smoothness. Voltage range may run anywhere between 3-11 volts depending on your style and setup and the area to be worked, but a great place to get started is at 7 volts with the 3.7mm cam and see what you need from there.

Every part on the Axys Direct Drive besides the Swiss motor is American made and assembled. Your support and service is American made and guaranteed too.

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